Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Calebs first day of School!

Caleb started his first day of Mothers Day Out at 1st Kids Academy at First Baptist Euless yesterday. We have been wanting to get him into an MDO forever! Now that I am working full time from home, we are able to afford it.
He was so happy to go to school so Monday we went and got him a new backpack and a Spiderman lunchbox. When we got there yesterday he ran right into his class, sat down and started playing. No tears, no goodbye! I am so glad he gets to do this and it will be so good for him. It will be great for me too especially when Isabeau arrives! ;)
He was very sad to leave and did not want to leave his friends. I am so grateful he gets to do this!


Jess said...

So cute! I am so glad you got him in!

lindsayloo said...

DES!!! That is sooo awesome. What great news. He is just the cutest thing. Lauren and I were talking about him the other day. Apparently she has a crush on him. =) LOOK OUT!