Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sweet Relief!

Up until a few months ago Caleb used to sleep in til 9:30 or 10. Then he hit this phase where he was getting up around 7:00 am! Not cool! Im not a morning person and I was really enjoying the fact that he slept in. Well, I thought this would be permanent and not a phase. Thank God it was a phase. He has been consistently sleeping in til 9:30 or later! Yes!!! Josh even had to wake him up this morning shortly before 10 am! Anyways, I am very happy, except I had gotten so used to him waking up early that now I wake up early. Oh well, lots to do!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


So this video has been cancelled due to some violation. The jist of it is that some chic in the audience at a Faith Hill/Tim McGraw concert, grabbed Tim McGraws balls! Faith Hill got in her face and told her she better learn some class, and you dont go grabbing someones husbands balls, and how disrepectful she is. It was beautiful! Wish you could have seen it.